Well, hello there, kind folks. If you’re visiting this blog of mine, I presume that you have a certain interest in the cinema. As for me, even since my early childhood, I have had a deep love of everything related to movies and television. As far as I can remember, I have been more at ease in front of a screen than in the yard, outside, playing. It is a great way to travel, though other people’s stories, without having to foot any kind of steep bill. Over the years, I feel that movie-watching has even fuelled my own creativity.

All that being said, I welcome you in my Cinephile’s Nest. I hope you enjoy it here, feel free to come back at any time. Here you will find reviews of current movies and older ones. TV shows also. Some classics that have remained some of my favourites, some that have disappointed me. I will use a very basic star (*) system to grade them from 1 to 5 (5 being sliced bread level). Remember, these are just my tastes. I will try to explain in each review what I liked about these particular movies, without giving spoilers.

Il y aura aussi des critiques en français pour les films francophones, car j'aime également le cinéma dans ma langue maternelle. Avant d'apprendre l'anglais, plus jeune, je louais des tonnes de films traduits en français, surtout ceux de Bud Spencer et Terrence Hill. Ma mère a eu le choc de sa vie lorsqu'un jour, dans la boîte d'un de ces films, Deep Throat avait malencontreusement inséré. Une expérience formatrice pour le jeune cinéphile que je suis.

Bienvenue à tous, amusez-vous bien.

I welcome you all here, enjoy yourself.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Le Bonheur de Pierre (2009)

Genre: Franco / Comedy
Réalisateur: Robert Ménard
Distribution: Pierre Richard, Rémy Girard, Sylvie Testud, Louise Portal
Durée: 106 minutes


Pierre Martin est un physicien cantique parisien veuf depuis 10 ans qui apprend de son notaire qu’il est le seul héritier, avec sa fille, de l’auberge de sa défunte tante au Canada. Désireux de vivre autre chose et d’inculquer sa vision du bonheur à sa fille carriériste, Pierre décide de déménager avec elle dans l’auberge située à Sainte-Simone-du-Nord, au Saguenay. Malheureusement, le maire du village n’est pas très accueillant. Il tente par tous les moyens de les faire fuir, voulant lui-même acheter l’auberge.

Compte tenu de la distribution, j’avais de grandes attentes pour ce film. J’ai été un peu déçu. Ici, Robert Ménard y va fort sur les clichés du petit village québécois un peu arriéré. C’est de la grosse caricature. En plus, le ton est un peu bizarre. Ça se veut une comédie, mais le ton devient tellement âpre à la longue que c’est agaçant. Pour ce qui est du message, c’est tellement gros que c’est difficile d’embarquer. Quelques moments drôles l’ont sauvé de la déchéance totale à mes yeux.

Note: ««

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

A Christmas Story (1983)

Genre: Christmas / Comedy
Directed by: Bob Clark
Cast: Melinda Dillon, Darren McGavin, Peter Billingsley
Time: 108 minutes


Ralphie Parker narrates stories from the period around the Christmas of the 1939, when he was 9-years old. Back then, his dream was to get a specific air riffle for Christmas, but everybody kept telling him that he was going to put his eye out with that thing.

This film is based on a 1966 book by Jean Shepherd. It remains a Christmas time classic for me. So many years later, the story is a bit dated, but such topics such as the dreams of youth and bullying are still pretty current. Overall, a fun movie to revisit during the holidays.

Rating: «««

The Sixth Sense (1999)

 Genre: Thriller
Directed by: M. Night Shyamalan
Cast: Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette
Time: 108 minutes


Child psychologist Malcolm Crowe does consultations with a 9-year-old boy named Cole Sear, who claims to be getting visits from the dead. This case reminds Malcolm of another young man who used be treated by him.

This is such a brilliant movie. Shyamalan wrote a marvelous piece of art here and directed it brilliantly. Willis and Osment have such great chemistry on screen. Some of the mystique is lost with this particular title once you know the punch line, so the movie ages not as well as other classics, but it is still a great film.

Rating: ««««

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Jusqu'à la garde (2017)

Genre: Franco / Drama
Réalisateur: Xavier Legrand
Distribution: Denis Ménochet, Léa Drucker, Thomas Gloria
Durée: 93 minutes


Miriam et Antoine Besson ont eu deux enfants ensemble, soit Joséphine, qui est presque majeure, et Julien, âgé de 11 ans. Le couple est en processus de divorce, et Miriam tente d’éloigner les enfants de leur père, qu’elle accuse de comportements violents. Antoine obtient tout de même de la juge la garde partagée de son fils, mais la situation s’envenime assez rapidement.

La jeu des membres de la distribution, une histoire fort bien écrite, ainsi que le travail du réalisateur se combinent pour rendre tout un film à l’écran. Cette œuvre est si intense que j’en ai eu le sentiment d’avoir le souffle coupé à un moment donné. Très fort, ce film.

 Note: «««««

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Birdman of Alcatraz (1962)

Genre: Biographical / Drama
Directed by: John Frankenheimer
Cast: Burt Lancaster, Karl Malden, Thelma Ritter
Running Time: 143 minutes


This film offers a greatly fictionalized account of Robert Stroud’s life. Stroud was imprisoned for murder as a young man. In prison, he killed a guard and was sentenced to solitary confinement. While at Leavenworth Prison, for some 30 years, he raised and trained birds, becoming an ornithologist. He was then transferred to Alcatraz, where he lost access to his birds.

This film is long and is not overfilled with dialogue, but it is well worth the effort. Burt Lancaster was amazing as Robert Stroud. And the supporting cast was also good too. The filmmakers were accused of making Stroud a much more sympathetic figure than he really was. That is Hollywood for you. That being said, this is a very, very good film.

Rating: ««««

Monday, December 9, 2024

Mlle Bottine (2024)

Genre: Franco / Comedy / Drama
Réalisateur: Yan Lanouette Turgeon
Distribution: Antoine Bertrand, Marguerite Laurence, Marilyn Castonguay
Durée: 114 minutes


Simone est une jeune fille de 11 ans qui vit à la campagne avec sa grand-mère suite au décès de ses deux parents dans un accident de voiture. À la suite du décès de sa grand-mère, elle se voit contrainte d’aller vivre en ville avec le seul membre restant de sa famille, son oncle célibataire qu’elle ne connaît pas, Philippe, un compositeur d’opéra souffrant d’un grave cas d’anxiété. Dans cette situation qui doit d’abord être temporaire, la petite amène avec elle sa moufette domestique, Bottine, et elle saura bouleverser la vie de son oncle.

Ce film est une adaptation du classique des Contes pour tous, Bach et Bottine. Mlle Bottine est fortement inspiré de l’original, sans toutefois s’accrocher pleinement à l’œuvre d’André Melanson. Je trouve que les gens impliqués ont fait du bon travail pour moderniser l’histoire pour la rendre plus réaliste pour l’ère moderne.

Le duo formé par Antoine Bertrand et Marguerite Laurence est formidable. La petite crève tout particulièrement l’écran. Certainement un film à voir et à revoir. J’ai ri et j’ai été touché, j’ai adoré.

Note: «««««

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005)

 Genre: Franco / Drama
Réalisateur: Jean-Marc Vallée
Distribution: Michel Côté, Marc-André Grondin. Danielle Proulx, Pierre-Luc Brillant
Durée: 127 minutes


Zachary Beaulieu est né le jour de Noël 1960, le quatrième des cinq fils de Gervais et Laurianne Beaulieu. Zac aime beaucoup son père, même si leur relation est souvent difficile. À l’adolescence, Zac entre dans une crise d’identité sexuelle qui rendra son lien avec son paternel d’autant plus difficile.

Non, mais quel film! Wow. C’était un réel plaisir de le revisiter toutes ces années plus tard. C’est une œuvre indémodable qui vieillit fort bien. Les thèmes de la famille, de la religion et de l’homosexualité y sont exposés avec brio par Jean-Marc Vallée, qui avait aussi le luxe de pouvoir compter sur une distribution géniale.

La musique occupe une grande place dans ce film, ce qui contribue à mon plaisir. Vraiment, un très bon film à voir et à revoir.

Note: «««««

Monday, December 2, 2024

Anthony Jeselnik: Bones and All (2024)

 Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Bill Benz
Cast: Anthony Jeselnik
Running Time: 51 minutes


In his latest comedy special, American stand-up comic Anthony Jeselnik offers his usual brand of brash and crude dark humor live to the audience. Over the last few years, he seems to have truly found his groove. He sure has a knack for delivering punch lines that take sharp turns from what the premise had you prepared for. He discusses such topics as his family, kids, Joe Rogan’s podcast and child abuse. This one sure is not for the faint of heart. I enjoyed it very much. I just found it too short. Would have taken more.

Rating: ««««

Le bonheur des autres (2011)

 Genre: Franco / Comedy / Drama
Réalisateur: Jean-Philippe Pearson
Distribution: Michel Barette, Julie LeBreton, Louise Portal, Marc-André Grondin
Durée: 101 minutes


Vingt ans après avoir laissé sa première femme avec leurs deux jeunes enfants, Jean-Pierre vit le parfait bonheur avec une jeune femme de 20 ans sa cadette, qui est maintenant enceinte. Son ex-femme et ses deux autres enfants, maintenant adultes, lui en veulent encore d’être parti. Sa fille, qui tente elle-même d’avoir un premier enfant, est particulièrement amer face à tout ce bonheur vécu par son père. Mais, voilà que la copine de Jean-Pierre commence à se demander si elle veut vraiment fonder une famille avec l’homme vieillissant.

Le bonheur des autres est une comédie dramatique fort bien ficelée pouvant compter sur une distribution de talent. J’ai été diverté et touché à la fois par cet exposé sur les rapports humains complexes entre des familles brisées.

Note: ««««

Monday, November 25, 2024

Red One (2024)

Genre: Christmas / Comedy / Fantasy
Directed by: Jake Kasdan
Cast: Dwayne Johnson, Chris Evans, J.K. Simmons, Lucy Liu
Running Time: 123 minutes


On Christmas Eve, Santa Claus is kidnapped by a black ops team. Callum Drift, head of North Pole security, has to team up with hacker and bounty hunter, Jack O’Malley, to locate the jolly man before its too late and December 25th is ruined for the whole world.

This is such a fun movie. Sure, there is some silliness, but the filmmakers did a good job marrying the comedy and fantasy genre, sprinkling it with Christmas spirit in the process. It is entertaining. The cast is solid. Johnson and Evans especially make for a good on-screen team. Enjoyed this one very much.

Rating: ««««

Friday, November 22, 2024

Heretic (2024)

Genre: Horror
Directed by: Scott Beck and Bryan Woods
Cast: Hugh Grant, Sophie Thatcher, Chloe East
Running Time: 111 minutes


On a trek to find new converts, two young Mormon missionaries, Sister Barnes and Sister Paxton, enter the home of Mr. Reed, a recluse Englishman. Soon after entering his home, they realize that he might not be as nice of a man as they first thought.

I enjoyed this psychological horror movie very much. It is very effective in setting a mood and stirring up emotions in the viewer. And the dialogues are also well done. All the chatter about religion and beliefs is quite thought-provoking. It dragged in a few places, but, overall, very well done.

Rating: ««««

Monday, November 18, 2024

1995 (2024)

Genre: Franco / Biographical / Comedy
Réalisateur: Ricardo Trogi
Distribution: Jean-Carl Boucher, Sandrine Bisson, Claudio Colangelo
Durée: 120 minutes


À l’âge de 25 ans, Ricordo Trogi voit sa vie artistique basculer quand il est choisi comme participant à la Course destination monde, une émission de Radio-Canada qui l’amènera à voyager partout dans le monde pour produire de petits films. En Égypte, son périple sera ardu et le verra tout tenter pour tourner un film sur un sujet pas très évident : l’excision.

Ce film se veut la suite de la trilogie biographique réalisée par Ricardo Trogi : 1981, 1987 et 1991. Dans ces films, Trogi raconte son histoire à différents moments de sa vie. À mon humble avis, ce quatrième opus est son mieux réussi.

Vraiment, 1995 est un film solide. C’est drôle, c’est touchant ; on traverse toute la gamme des émotions en 2 heures. En plus, je suis à un moment de ma vie qui me permet de comprendre bien des nuances dans cette œuvre. Alors, disons que ce film tombe pile pour moi.

Note: «««««

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Return of the King: The Fall and Rise of Elvis Presley (2024)

Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Jason Hehir
Cast: Billy Corgan, Darlene Love, Baz Luhrmann, Priscilla Presley, Jerry Schilling
Running Time: 90 minutes


This documentary covers the rise to fame of music legend Elvis Presley, with the help of manager Col. Parker. It also delves into how, after having to go to Germany for military service, Elvis came back to a career of subpar musical movies and less-than-stellar songs. Then came the 1968 Comeback Special, on NBC, that would revitalize Elvis’ career. For once, Presley trusted his instincts. He was motivated and performed in the legendary way he was capable of when pushed.

This is certainly not the first documentary on any aspect of the career and life of Elvis Presley. That being said, it is one of the best ones in my book. It left me thinking: Man, what could have been, if the man had been better surrounded.

It was cool to hear from people who were close to Elvis, like his ex-wife Priscilla, friend Jerry Schilling and former work colleague Darlene Love. It was also interesting to hear from well-known fans, such as Billy Corgan, Bruce Springsteen and Conan O’Brien.

Jason Hehir did a solid job bringing all these people together to tell a very compelling story about this man who died almost 50 years ago, but that none of us have forgotten.

Rating: «««««

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

American Pie 2 (2001)

Genre: Comedy
Directed by: James B. Rogers
Cast: Jason Biggs, Shannon Elizabeth, Alyson Hannigan, Chris Klein, Natasha Lyonne
Running Time: 100 minutes


The five friends from the first American Pie movie have now been through their first year at college. As they come home, they realize that things have changed and that it is now hard to hold on to the past. In a quest to move forward in their lives, they rent out a Lake Michigan beach house for the Summer, with plans to close out the season with a massive bash.

This sequel is loaded with laughs, sexual shenanigans and crazy situations. I had not seen it in years, and it was really fun to revisit. It is a great movie to turn your brain off and relax. Watching it again has reminded me how much Eugene Levy is an absolute national treasure. The man is so funny as Jim’s dad.

Rating: ««««

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

The Warriors (1979)

Genre: Action / Thriller
Directed by: Walter Hill
Cast: Michael Beck, James Remar, Deborah Van Valkenburgh
Running Time: 115 minutes


A street gang known as The Warriors has to travel by various means from The Bronx to their home turf of Coney Island after getting framed for the murder of a popular gang leader named Cyrus. With a lot of angry gangs on their tale, and the cops, the Warriors have to find their way home.

This film is based on Sol Yurich’s novel of the same name. While it is a bit cartoonish and unrealistic, The Warriors have gained a cult following over the years, and with good reason. It is an entertaining flick. It is kept short. It is action packed. Some of the fight scenes are cool. Not bad.

Rating: «««

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Of Mice and Men (1992)

Genre: Drama
Directed by: Gary Sinise
Cast: John Malkovich, Gary Sinise, Ray Walston
Running Time: 111 minutes


During the Great Depression, George Milton and Lennie Small are two farm workers travelling the country from job to job. George is quick-witted, while Lenny is big and strong, but mentally disabled. The best friends have a hard time keeping jobs, as Lennie, without any ill intent, always gets them into trouble.

This is the second cinematic adaptation of the John Steinbeck novella of the same name. It does a good job telling the basic story of the Steinbeck story, though a few liberties are taken in the film. The cast does a proper job. Everyone is truly believable. A fine little piece of cinema.

Rating: ««««

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Conclave (2024)

Genre: Thriller
Directed by: Edward Berger
Cast: Ralph Fiennes, Stanley Tucci, John Lithgow
Running Time: 120 minutes


After the death of the Pope, the College of Cardinals has to go into seclusion for the papal conclave. Cardinal-Dean Thomas Lawrence is put in charge of the proceedings, and, as the process wears on, he finds himself having to look into scandals and secrets, as personal ambitions are rampant among these men of faith.

This is a very smart film inspired by the 2016 novel of the same name by Robert Harris. The pace is slow and deliberate, but the film pulls you in if you let it. I loved how, with little cinematic touches, the filmmakers made these men of God feel so human.

Absolute kudos to Ralph Fiennes on his performance as Cardinal-Dean Lawrence. From his physiognomy to his posture, to his whole performance, he brought this character to life and made it feel real. A brilliant film that I loved very much.


Rating: «««««

Monday, November 4, 2024

Smile (2022)

Genre: Horror
Directed by: Parker Finn
Cast: Sosie Bacon, Kyle Gallner, Jessie T. Usher
Running Time: 115 minutes


After witnessing the bizarre suicide of a patient while at work, therapist Rose Cotter starts experiencing the same supernatural presence her patient was complaining about before killing herself.

This supernatural horror film does a very good job setting a mood and an atmosphere. It almost lost me there towards the end, but, still, all the way through, I was hooked. Good acting and good directing.

Rating: ««««

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Mr. McMahon (2024)

Genre: Documentary / TV
Directed by: Chris Smith
Cast: Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, Hulk Hogan, Triple H
Number of episodes: 6


This 6-episode TV miniseries produced by Netflix covers the life and career of businessman and controversial wrestling promoter Vince McMahon. Through various interviews with McMahon’s family members, current and former employees and numerous medias personalities, we get a glimpse behind the curtain of a business that has always blurred the lines between fiction and reality. Then, the documentary took a dark turn after serious allegations of sexual misconduct came out regarding Vince McMahon.

As a long time wrestling fan, I did not learn much here, but it was a compelling look at a dark complicated man. I am sure Vince McMahon himself is not a fan of this one. It sure does not shine a positive light on him.

Rating: ««««

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Anatomie d'une chute (2023)

Genre: Franco / Drama
Réalisation: Justine Triet
Distribution: Sandra Hüller, Swann Arlaud, Milo Machado-Graner
Durée: 152 minutes


Sandra Voyter est une auteure vivant avec son mari Samuel Maleski, aussi auteur, et leur jeune fils Daniel, qui souffre d’un trouble visuel, dans un chalet isolé dans les montagnes de Grenoble, en France. Lorsque Samuel est trouvé mort devant chez lui d’une chute à l’apparence suspecte, Sandra se retrouve accusée du meurtre de son mari, avec qui elle entretenait une relation tendue depuis un certain temps.

Non, mais quel film absolument magistral. L’histoire est si bien ficelé et racontée avec talent. Et le travail des acteurs et actrices est splendide. C’est vraiment du gros cinéma. Un long film qui passe si vite.

Rating: «««««

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Bleed for This (2016)

Genre: Biographical / Drama
Directed by: Ben Younger
Cast: Miles Teller, Aaron Eckhart, Katey Sagal
Running Time: 117 minutes


This biographical film tells the story of former world champion boxer Vinny Pazienza, who ended up with a severe neck injury following a car accident. Told by doctors that he might never walk again and that he certainly will never fight again, Pazienza defies the odds and makes a comeback.

The success of this film lies heavily on the shoulders of Miles Teller, who is solid in the lead role. He does such a great job. The supporting cast is good too. Some of the stuff is a little clichéd, but, overall, very enjoyable movie.

Rating: ««««

Monday, October 21, 2024

American Pie (1999)

Genre: Comedy
Directed by: Paul Weitz
Cast: Jason Biggs, Chris Klein, Alyson Hannigan, Natasha Lyonne, Thomas Ian Nicholas
Running Time: 95 minutes


As approaches the end of their last year in high school, four best friends make a secret pact to support each other as they all try to finally lose their respective virginities before graduation.

It was fun to revisit this one so many years later. It came out just as I finished university, but I realize now that all the actors playing high school kids are my age today. I guess that’s why it still resonates with my memories of high school. That desire to fit in and that obsession with sex, I sure do remember that.

While this film is basically a rehash of the old genre of the sex comedy, it is a well done one. Its crude, it’s dirty, its easy, but its fun. No harm in that. And damn Eugene Levy is hilarious here!

Rating: ««««

Fred l'handicappé (2023)

Genre: TV / Franco / Comedy / Drama
Réalisation : André Roy
Distribution: Antoine Michaud, David Losier, Josiane Benoit, Anika Lirette
Nombre d’épisodes: 4


Cette websérie est inspirée de l’histoire vraie de Fred Mallet, qui, juste avant le début de ses études universitaires, a un accident en plongeant dans la piscine derrière la maison familiale et qui se retrouve quadriplégique. Il doit alors passer une longue période à l’hôpital pour apprendre à fonctionner dans cette nouvelle réalité, faisant le deuil de plusieurs choses.

Fred Mallet, aujourd’hui adulte, a écrit la série, qui est réalisée par son ami André Roy. J’ai beaucoup aimé Fred l’handicappé. C’est une série qui marie magnifiquement le drame et l’humour, dédramatisant un événement tragique pour en sortir du beau.

Rating: «««««

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Nos batailles (2018)

Genre: Franco / Drama
Réalisation: Guillaume Senez
Distribution: Romain Duris, Lucie Debay, Laeticia Dosch
Durée: 98 minutes


Contremaître dans un entrepôt de vente en ligne et aussi impliqué dans le syndicat, Olivier investit de nombreuses heures à son travail. Pendant ce temps, sa femme Laura, qui est vendeuse dans un magasin, doit aussi s’occuper des deux jeunes enfants du couple, Elliot et Rose. Lorsque Laura quitte la maison et disparaît sans avertir, Olivier doit se démener, avec l’aide de sa famille, pour conjuguer vie professionnelle et vie familiale.

Ce film franco-belge raconte une histoire fort intéressante dans laquelle on peut facilement s’investir émotionnellement. Très belle réalisation, alors que l’atmosphère est lourd, ce qui aide à comprendre la pression sur les adultes dans ce film. Le jeu des acteurs est aussi assez solide. J’ai trouvé la fin un peu sèche, mais, somme toute, très bon film.

Rating: ««««

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Marianne & Leonard: Words of Love (2019)

Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Nick Broomfield
Cast: Leonard Cohen, Judy Collins, Ron Cornelius
Running Time: 102 minutes


This documentary looks at the relationship between author and singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen and Marianne Ihlen, who became his lover and muse after they met on the Greek island of Hydra. Through recorded materials of both lovers and interviews with friends and collaborators, we find out how powerful this relationship was: Though life had pulled them apart, there was this bond between them and they both passed months apart in 2016.

As a big fan of Cohen, I found this documentary very compelling. As a poet myself, I understand the power of love and of the muse. And this documentary makes me want to visit Hydra. Moving there might not be recommendable, but I would love to go for a visit.

Rating: ««««

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bad Boys: Ride or Die (2024)

Genre: Action / Comedy
Directed by: Adil & Bilall
Cast: Martin Lawrence, Will Smith, Vanessa Hudgens
Running Time: 115 minutes


After Mike Lowrey marries his therapist and Marcus Burnett recovers from a health scare, the two Miami police detective find out their late captain, Conrad Howard, is being falsely accused of involvement in a conspiracy. Being suspected themselves, they spring into action with some help from their friends and family to clear the name of their lost friend.

This is a fun film, loaded with laughs and action. The plot was effective and to the point, and the cast know their roles by now. I love how the filmmakers adapted their material to modern technology. Well done. A few lulls here and there, but, overall, quite entertaining.


Rating: ««««

Saturday Night (2024)

Genre: Biographical / Comedy / Drama
Directed by: Jason Reitman
Cast: Gabriel LaBelle, Rachel Sennott, Cory Michael Smith, Ella Hunt
Time: 109 minutes


This film details the events leading to the TV show NBC’s Saturday Night — later known as Saturday Night Live — first going on the air in October 1975, with a hectic schedule, technical difficulties, NBC execs not fully on board and a dysfunctional cast.

As a big fan of Saturday Night Live, I wanted to see this film, but I had some apprehensions. I was worried about this depiction of reality feeling like a caricature that messes with the substance of the subject. There is none of that here. You can tell the filmmakers loved the subject, and the cast members were great in their respective roles.

Brilliant film. The pace was crazy, but it was what was needed to convey what happened that night.

Rating: «««««

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Menendez Brothers (2024)

Genre: Documentary
Directed by: Alejandro Hartmann
Cast: Erik Menendez, Lyle Menendez, Alan Abrahamson, Pamela Bozanich
Time: 159 minutes


This documentary takes a look at the murder, in 1989, of couple Jose and Kitty Menendez by their sons, Lyle and Erik, and at the two massive trials that ensued. Having been in jail for now more than 30 years, the two brothers were interviewed to discuss their side of the story. A recent Tik Tok rally started with folks saying that the two men have been imprisoned long enough and should be set free, as their crime was not due to greed but brought on by years of abuse and fear.

This film is so compelling. It goes in great details over all the events that led to the crime and over all that came after. It is so interesting to hear from the two killers over 30 years later. This particular documentary is sure to bring on a lot of discussions over the next few months.

Rating: «««««

Monday, October 7, 2024

Dressed to Kill (1980)

Genre: Thriller
Directed by: Brian De Palma
Cast: Michael Caine, Angie Dickinson, Nancy Allen
Time: 104 minutes


Kate Miller is a sexually frustrated housewife who visits psychiatrist Dr. Robert Elliott, flirting with him in the process. Later, after having an affair with a complete stranger, she gets murdered in the elevator of her apartment building by a mysterious woman wielding a straight razor. Liz Blake, a high-priced call girl, witnesses the murder and becomes the target of the killer. Teaming with Kate Miller’s teenage son, she tries to figure out who did it.

This film created a lot of controversy back in the day, for its exploitative nature. By today’s standards, it is not so bad. There are a few graphic scenes, I will admit. Some of the acting, especially by Dickinson and Allen, is somewhat over-the-top. That being said, stylistically, this is a very entertaining whodunit kind of movie. De Palma did a good job with the genre, setting some cool atmospheres throughout.

Rating: ««««